Saturday, January 3, 2009

My journey begins....again

I start tomorrow another journey to weight loss. I have done this before and with your help and support I will do it again. I will journal my way through this and share with you successes and setbacks, exercises, tips and trip-ups and hopefully at this time next year I will be able to report to you that I have reached my goal weight. I am putting this on a blog so that I will be held accountable to someone other than myself because unfortunately myself likes food and fools me into thinking it will be alright to just eat one cookie, maybe two okay what's the whole dozen gonna hurt this one time! I am contemplating actually posted my true weight on tomorrow's first day blog post but I don't know if I have the courage yet to do that. Somehow I think if I don't tell how much I weigh you might not be able to see how fat I really am. I am tired and achey and grumpy and self-conscious and avoid situations that I normally love because of my weight. I am terrified to end up dealing with lifelong health problems due to my weight when now is the time before those things surface that I can fix it. I have diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity in my family and I refuse to let this be how I live for the rest of my life! Plus Shawn's 20 year reunion happens in Oct of this year and I want to go looking fabulous! So I warn you this blog may be a little eyeore "ish" at first as I try to change everything about the way I live and eat. There might be tears, there might be a few curse words now and again (I will try to refrain but as you know sometimes wanting to eat Chinese food and can't might cause one to curse).
So tomorrow is a new day! Tomorrow here I come!'s me against the food!
If anyone wants to join me so I'm not out here all alone battling the bulge please feel free to join in, create a blog or post it on your original blog and I will link you up to mine and we'll get in this together.

1 comment:

rbecca91 said...

Okay girl it is Sunday, day 1. What have you done?