Sunday, January 11, 2009

Week 1 weigh in

weight-230-222 woohoo I lost 8 pounds!!!!
Waist- 48-47 lost an inch
Arm- 15 3/4-15 1/2 lost 1/2 inch
Bust (with boob)-47-47 boobies stayed the same
Bust (under boob)-42-41 1/4 lost 3/4 inch
Thigh- 26 1/4- 25 1/4 lost an inch

short-term goal-10 lbs loss by Feb. 1st weigh in
long-term goal weight-150 lbs

My reward for hitting first goal-highlight and lowlight hair- only 2 more pounds and I get to get my hair done!!!


Erin Koch said...

That is awesome. Hopefully this time next week- you can make a hair appointment!

rbecca91 said...

Great job!!! Way to stick with it!!!

Our 7 Blessings from God said...

Way to go, girlie!! Keep up the great work!

Kim said...

Way to go! So proud of you and feeling kinda crappy for not tryin' myself.